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Operation Eagle Eye 2017

السلام عليكم

heyya!!! i went to Subang yesterday (Wednesday) and actually flew in Cessna 172 hehehehe!!! syok gilaaaaaa weh omg rasa tanak turun. at first cam nervous gila ah sebabb.....

me: weh aku nervous.

kawan2 yang tak pergi punya respond:
friend 1: kau dah tulis wasiat belum?
friend 2: kau dah mintak maaf salam peluk dengan mama?

me: kalau aku mati aircraft crash kejap lagi, aku jadi hantu haunt kau sepanjang hayat.
friend: nice gak tu.


hahahahfhdh tapi aku cam terhibur gak la dengan respond diorang. membuktikan bahawa aku paling normal dan tak pelik2 compared to diorang :p

first of all, of course la kena naik the classic rover of Air Adventure Flying Club lol tak sah kalau tak naik! masa first time pi Subang, like 2 weeks ago, aku punya peha hampir terkehel tau. tinggi gila tempat nak step on board the truck like paras pinggang aku kot. tapi kita kena maintain cool so aku merintih dalam hati jela masa tu. yang baru ni aku dah prepare awal2 pakai seluar longgar affff supaya senang nak panjat. hahah!

the whole squad on the rover!!! plus Captain Sebastian at the back, also Dr Zairil and Captain Andreas in the truck!

and then round2 kat hangar. wajibbbb ambik gambar dengan UPM's SR20 aircraft!!! the serial number is 9M-KAA; where the 9M is a universal code for aircrafts operating in Malaysia and the KAA stands for Kejuruteraan Aero Angkasa lol kelas gittuewwehhhwhhh. ok kidding. memang kerlazzz lah i lurve upiyemzzzz!

my partners!! Fakhrul & Yaw :)

by the way masa atas kapal tak scary pun sebab weather tak cantik sangat so takleh perform all the flight tests yang kitorang kena perform. so we just decided to enjoy the ride sebab nak baca indicator pun tak dan weh!!! hahah.

aku dengan Mr Kanesan sibuk ambik gambar lol. tapi aku ambik sikit jela sebab try gak lah nak tangkap Captain tengah perform control apa and apa aircraft's response towards the control. dapat la ciked2. ada gak la part kecut perut and rasa cam kapal terbang is falling down, falling down, falling down time stalling heheh.

but all in all, the experience was PRICELESS. priceless weh. kalau ada lagi offer student buat flight test lepas ni aku, Fakhrul & Yaw plan nak mengendeng dengan Dr, mintak nak naik lagi. hahah! and the whole flight was sponsored by our lecturer, Dr Zairil. thanks so much Dr!!!!

till then!