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of MyeongDong Topokki and Pitch Perfect 3

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yawwwww!!!!! hewwwoooo guyssssss!!!! i'm soooo in love with the food at myeongdong topokki ya Allahhhh dap gilaaa. i'm a picky eater, my food palette is boring af, the only korean restaurant yang aku dah pernah try is Seoul Garden. the only korean food i love is samyang. hahshhhdf sooo i was like biasa2 je  when my sis and I planned to go to MyeongDong topokki.... BUT THENNN aku makan je makanan dia rasa nak meneteskan air mataaaa sebab sedap sangat!!!

i ate a bowl of bulgogi beef with rice, pastu shared topokki, fried chicken, fishcakes and mandu with my sis. my sis tak makan banyak sangat eeee tahpape tah, so i bedal the food sampai habis hahahahahhhdhfh kakak aku terkezuttt tengok adik dia makan macam tu. kay.

THEN we went to the cinema!! aku taktau lak the cinema at The Mines check beg sekarang, ala kantoi bawak sushi dalam beg. padahal bukannya kita nak makan dalam cinema pun ala akak ni takkan la gelap2 nak makan sushi hmmmm logik sikit pls. tapi takpela, cian sushi i kena tinggal dalam locker.

btw pitch perfect 3 was perfect. fat amy kelakar nak mampos, i love Beca so much, Beca and Theo are so cute, fuq Fat Amy's dad, and DJ Khaled kalau tade dalam movie tu pun takpe kot. ok done. hahahahssh HOWEVER I STILL RATE IT 1000000/10!!!!!!!!! a bit sad sebab it's obviously the last pitch perfect sequel but i'm thankful for the good laugh everytime i watch it!!!!!

++++ i'm on my study week now, my first paper is next Tuesday, then ada boleh tahan banyak gaps between the papers (alhamdulillah), and then i'll have my FYP presentation, then sem break AND I'LL BE IN MY LAST SEMESTER. cepatnya masa berlalu. aku still tak puas spend time with my classmates, i hope next semester will be awesome. can't wait